Factory Checkupdates
make checkupdates
from the top-level Factory directory will accomplish two tasks:
- Determine if a newer version of Factory is available for download (updates)
- Determine if newer versions of packages selected in your workorder are available (upgrades)
The checkupdates make target is informational only - no modifications to your Factory or workorder will be made.
Updates - Factory Version Check
The Factory version check compares your version of Factory against what is currently available from Timesys. If an updated version of the Factory is available, the most recent version will be noted along with a link to the Factory download page. If the new release has any updates for your current workorder, they will be listed. If any of them fix a known security issue, the related CVEs will be listed as well.
More detail about getting and applying updates, and what to do about security updates in particular, can be found in this HOWTO.
This requires an internet connection, and a LinuxLink API Key. If Work Offline
is selected in your workorder, this check will be skipped.
Upgrades - Workorder Selection Check
The upgrades portion of the checkupdates process checks the selections in your workorder against the defaults expected in the version of Factory currently in use. This will report the differences in the following fashion
- Version upgrade from 7.6 (currently selected in workorder) to 7.7 (default in this version of Factory)
- Difference in Patches detected - listed here are the default patches Factory expects
- Difference in Runtime Dependencies detected - listed here are default runtime dependencies Factory expects
If no updates or upgrades are found, this will be noted as well.