
Yamon is the bootloader on the MIPS Malta boards, as well as some PowerPC boards.

Bootloader Initialization

YAMON ROM Monitor, Revision 02.11.
Copyright (c) 1999-2006 MIPS Technologies, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.

For a list of available commands, type 'help'.

Compilation time =              Feb 16 2006  18:36:44
Board type/revision =           0x02 (Malta) / 0x00
Core board type/revision =      0x07 (CoreFPGA-2) / 0x00
System controller/revision =    MIPS SOC-it 101 OCP / 1.3   SDR-FW-1:1
FPGA revision =                 0x0001
MAC address =                   00.d0.a0.00.04.3e
Board S/N =                     0000000838
PCI bus frequency =             33.33 MHz
Processor Company ID/options =  0x01 (MIPS Technologies, Inc.) / 0x00
Processor ID/revision =         0x93 (MIPS 24Kc) / 0x74
Endianness =                    Big
CPU/Bus frequency =             25 MHz / 25 MHz
Flash memory size =             4 MByte
SDRAM size =                    256 MByte
First free SDRAM address =      0x800b6580


Configuring the Network Interface

Finding and Changing the MAC Address

You can find the MAC address with the setenv command. It cannot be reset or changed.

YAMON> setenv


YAMON> setenv

baseboardserial (RO)   0000000838
bootfile        (R/W)  kernel_mipsmalta24kc-1
bootprot        (R/W)  tftp
bootserport     (R/W)  tty0
bootserver      (R/W)
cpuconfig       (R/W)
ethaddr         (RO)   00.d0.a0.00.04.3e
fpu             (R/W)
gateway         (R/W)
ipaddr          (R/W)
memsize         (RO)   0x10000000
modetty0        (R/W)  38400,n,8,1,hw
modetty1        (R/W)  38400,n,8,1,hw
prompt          (R/W)  YAMON
start           (R/W)
startdelay      (R/W)
subnetmask      (R/W)
yamonrev        (RO)   02.11

Changing the IP Address

The IP address is an environment variable, and can be modified using the setenv command.

YAMON> setenv ipaddr <ip address>


YAMON> setenv ipaddr

Downloading the Kernel

The load command is used to download the kernel. If the environment is set up completely, then you can simply type the load command. Otherwise, it takes the following format:

YAMON> load tftp://<host ip>/<file name>


YAMON> load
About to load tftp://
Press Ctrl-C to break
Start = 0x80443000, range = (0x80100000,0x80467297), format = SREC

Booting the Kernel

The go command is used to boot the kernel. It typically takes the following format:

YAMON> go . <kernel command line>

You can also specify an address, but it will use the address of the last successful load command.


With DHCP:

YAMON> go . root=/dev/nfs rw ip=dhcp

Without DHCP:

YAMON> go . root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=[nfs ip]:/path/to/rfs ip=[ip]:[nfs ip]:[gw ip]::::any


MIPS YAMON sources