How to Switch SDK on single/multiple projects
When developing software, oftentimes you need to switch toolchains for one or multiple projects within TimeStorm. Some of the use cases requiring toolchain switching include:
- Moving development to a different processor architecture.
- Upgrading to a newer version of SDK.
- Importing a group of projects developed by a different developer on a different machine.
TimeStorm works at a SDK level. Conceptually, SDK includes the toolchain and TimeStorm provides SDK switching which in turn switches the toolchain.
TimeStorm allows importing of SDKs and automatically recognizes different types of SDKs (Factory, Yocto, Native).
TimeStorm supports switching of SDKs
- for a single project or multiple projects simultaneously.
- for C, C++, and CMake Projects.
Switch SDK on a Single Project:
You can switch SDK on a single project in two ways:
- Project Context Menu
- Project Properties
SDK Switching Using Project Context Menu:
To see the TimeStorm Switch SDK option on the context menu, Right click on the project → TimeStorm Switch SDK as shown below.
Select the C/C++/CMake project you want to switch the SDK for. Right click on the selected project → TimeStorm SDK Switch to open the TimeStorm SDK Switch wizard.
The wizard shows Timesys supported SDKs that you can switch to as Factory, Yocto, Other (including Native) radio buttons.
Select one of the radio button. Based on the selected SDK type, the wizard will load all available toolchains in the drop down, and then in that list select one SDK as shown below.
After selecting the desired Toolchain from the SDK, click on the OK button. The TimeStorm SDK Switch wizard will disappear and the selected SDK will be updated for the project.
Note: In case, if the project is already built. We have to clean the project (Right click on the project → Clean Project) to see the switched SDK.
You check the updated SDK by building the project (Right click on the Project → Build Project ). While building the project , you can see which builds by using the updated toolchain as shown below.
SDK Switching Using Project properties:
You can also switch the SDK for a single project by using Project Properties. Right click on the project → Properties → C/C++ Build → Settings → Cross Toolchain. The Cross Toolchain wizard shows Timesys supported SDKs that you can switch to as Factory, Yocto, Other (including Native) radio buttons with the previously selected SDK in the Toolchain from SDK dropdown as shown below.
After selecting the desired Toolchain from the SDK, click on the OK button. The Settings wizard will disappear and the selected SDK will be updated for the project.
Note: In case, if the project is already built. We have to clean the project (Right click on the project → Clean Project) to see the switched SDK.
You check the updated SDK by building the project (Right click on the Project → Build Project ). While building the project , you can see which builds by using the updated toolchain as shown below.
Switching SDK on Multiple Projects:
TimeStorm supports simultaneous Switching of a SDK on Multiple Projects.
Select multiple projects by pressing ctrl and right click on the projects → TimeStorm SDK Switch to open the TimeStorm SDK Switch wizard.
The wizard shows Timesys supported SDKs that you can switch to as Factory, Yocto, Other (includes Native) radio buttons. Select any one of the radio buttons. Based on the selected SDK type, the wizard ’s will load all available toolchains in the to drop down.
After selecting the desired Toolchain from the SDK, click on the OK button. The TimeStorm SDK Switch wizard will disappear and the selected SDK will be updated for all selected projects.
We can check the updated SDK by building the projects.
Note: TimeStorm only supports Yocto SDK for CMake projects. if you try to switch from CMake Project using Yocto SDK to Factory SDK, it will throw an error message as “ One or more of the selected projects is CMake. To replace toolhain of the selected CMake project/projects, kindly choose a Yocto toolchain, as CMake in Timestorm supports only yocto SDKs Or exclude the CMake projects from the chosen list ”as shown below.