How to Install Timesys external plugins
TimeStorm IDE comes with a number of plugins in its default installation. Additional plugins can be loaded when they are needed. TimeSys developed additional TimeStorm plugins are hosted on a Timesys server. They can be installed using TimeStorm/Eclipse standard mechanism for installing plugins.
To install external plugins (e.g: U-Boot, Python), open TimeStorm and click on Help → Install New Software.
Click on type or select a site drop down menu. There are a number of sites listed, including direct links to Timesys hosted plugins. Select the desired plugin to be installed.
Once desired plugin is selected, you will be presented with one or many components for the plugin, with a checkbox next to them. Click on the Select All button then click on the Next button.
Review Licenses and select the I accept the terms of the license agreements radio button when you are done. Click on the Finish button to complete the installation process. TimeStorm will begin to download and install the External plugin of choice as shown below.
Restart TimeStorm after installation is complete.
Upon a restart, you can check if the installation was successful by inspecting installed plugins using Eclipse’s Help->About Eclipse->Plugins
If you have installed e.g. Python plugin, you can also confirm its properly installed by launching New project wizard. Python project type(s) should be in the list.