How to Create and Manage Working Set Configurations in TimeStorm

TimeStorm users may add many projects into a workspace. After a certain number of projects in the workspace managing the projects can be overwhelming. Thankfully, there is a solution in TimeStorm: Working Sets.

Working sets allow you to group elements for display in views. With that, you can do operations on a set of elements in the working set. For more details, please refer to

This document will describe how to:

  1. Create a Working Set which is a group of elements. We will cover C/C++ projects in this manual.
  2. Manage Working Set Configurations, in case of C/C++ projects Working Set Configurations decide which build configuration is used during build of the Working set. One Working set can have many Working Set Configurations.

This is useful if you want to switch between Debug and Release configuration for many projects at once.

1. Create a Working Set:

To create a Working Set, open TimeStorm and click on Project → Build Working Set → Select Working Set as shown below.

If you have no working set defined, then this option will show the following dialog where you can press New… to create a new one:

To create a working set of C/C++ projects, select C/C++ and press Next button:

In the New Working Set dialogue, enter the Working Set Name and select the Working Set Content by checking the required projects checkboxes, and then press the Finish button to create a new Working Set as shown below.

In case you want to build the projects without changing the build configuration. Select the Working Set and press OK to build the list of projects in the Working Set as shown below.

2. Manage Working Set Configurations

Manage Working-set configurations is for changing the active build configurations of the C/C++ projects in a working set. To change the Working Set configurations, click on Project → Build Configurations → Manage Working Sets as shown below.

Manage Working Set Configuration dialog box will open with the Working set Configurations, Project configurations area and the following buttons as shown below.

  1. Add
  2. Remove
  3. Rename
  4. Set Active
  5. Build

1. Add:

Click on the Add button to add Working Set Configuration by entering the name of the new configuration and click on the OK button as shown below.

The new Working Set Configuration will be added under the Working Set. Then in the Project Configurations area you can select the build configuration for each project in the Working Set Configuration by clicking on the configurations checkboxes (example: Debug, Release, GNUProfile) as per your requirement as shown below.

2. Remove:

Remove button is to remove the added Working Set Configuration configurations as shown below.

3. Rename:

Rename button to rename the Working Set Configuration.

4. Set Active:

After changing the project configurations, click on the Set Active button to change the active Working Set Configuration. For more information, please refer to

5. Build:

Build button builds projects from the Working Set using build configurations matching the active Working Set Configuration.