HOWTO use My Repos — Timesys Gitlab repository


There are two ways to access your project on Timesys gitlab repository, assuming you have LinuxLink login credentials with proper authorization.

If you have trouble with gitlab login, please submit a support request at or send us email at .

Once signed in, you will see the projects under “Your projects.”

Downloading sources

  • Click on the project
  • Download the project source by clicking on download icon near “Find file” button.

Cloning Sources

To clone the source using command line, you can use either ssh or https protocol. Ensure you have updated git configuration settings like username and email address on your local host. If not, update your local host setting using git config command.

$ git config --global "XXXX"
$ git config --global

Cloning with HTTPS URLs using gitlab username and password

The cloning URLs for you project is listed next to HTTPS

For using https URLs on the command line, you will be asked for your gitlab username and password.
Example: git clone

The username is the same as the LinuxLink username. Note: the gitlab password is different from the LinuxLink password. You can set the gitlab password by clicking on profile->setting and choosing password from the left menu column

Cloning with SSH URLs

To use these URLs, you must generate SSH keypair on your system and add the public key to your gitlab account. For information on setting up an SSH keypair, see How to Create SSH Keys. Once you updated the keys,you can clone the source using ssh protocol. Additional documentation on Generating an SSH key.

git clone :services/your project/your project.git

Reference link: