Manage Your LinuxLink User Account

Your LinuxLink User Account

When you first register for a free LinuxLink account, or become a paid customer, Timesys sets up a user account for you. There are a number of features which allow you to manage various aspects of your account. These are accessed from a drop-down menu which is shown when you click on your username in the upper right corner of any LinuxLink page. The menu options are:

  1. Profile — From this section, you can update/edit your login info (including resetting your password), account membership, assigned roles, and TimeStorm licenses.
  2. Preferences — This is where you can generate and download an API key, and control weekly update emails.
  3. Files — If Timesys shares files with you/your team, they will be available for download here.


To access your LinuxLink user account page, click on your username located in the upper right corner of any LinuxLink page. Then select Profile from the dropdown menu.

Your LinuxLink User Account page contains the following sections:

  1. Info — This area contains your login info, account membership info, and assigned roles.
  2. Accounts — Where you can see which accounts you are a member of.
  3. Active Licenses — Where you can create a TimeStorm license for yourself.


The Info area contains your login info, account membership info, assigned roles, and TimeStorm licenses.

To update your user information, including first & last name, email address and username:

  1. Click on your username in the masthead of any LinuxLink page.
  2. Click My Profile
  3. Click the Edit <your name> button
  4. Make your preferred edits.
  5. Click Save.

To reset your password: Click the Edit button labeled ( 1 ) above.

  1. Click on your username in the masthead of any LinuxLink page.
  2. Click My Profile.
  3. Click the Email Password Reset Link button
  4. Check your email in-box for an email coming from
  5. Click on the link in the email, and follow the remaining prompts for resetting your password.


This lists the accounts you are a member of. In most cases you will be a member of just one account.

Active Licenses

To create a TimeStorm license: Click the "Edit Licenses" button labeled ( 2 ) above.

  1. Click on your username in the masthead of any LinuxLink page.
  2. Click My Profile.
  3. Scroll to the Active Licenses; section of the page, and click on the applicable Create button.
  4. Enter the MAC address and a descriptive name for the license. It can be helpful to include the type of operating system and computer that will use the license. The license expiration date and the user’s email address are entered automatically. Note that the MAC address must have colons as the separator.
  5. Click the Create button to generate the license. You are given the option of editing the CC field and the text of the message that will be used to send the license file.
  6. Click Send. The email with the attached license is sent, and the contents of the license file are displayed.
  7. Copy the license to the computer you will be using for TimeStorm. The license file is saved and can be retrieved at any time.


To access your LinuxLink user account page, click on your username located in the upper right corner of any LinuxLink page, and then select Preferences from the dropdown menu.

Your Account Preferences page contains the following sections:

  1. API Key — Where you can set up your secret key which clients, like the Desktop Factory, can use for authentication.
  2. Security and Update Emails — Where you can opt in or out weekly email providing information on package, kernel, and security updates for your latest build.


Here you can set up your secret key which clients, like the Desktop Factory, can use for authentication. See LinuxLink Key File for more information.

To learn how to generate your API key, view the video below. (Note: This video does not contain any audio.)

Update Emails

Here, you can opt in or out of weekly email providing information on package, kernel, and security updates for your latest build by toggling the button at the bottom of this section.


To access your LinuxLink user account page, click on your username located in the upper right corner of any LinuxLink page, and then select Files from the dropdown menu.

Private Files

If Timesys shares private files with you/your team, they will be available for download here.