Cves module

/api/v1/cves/<cve_id> Methods: "GET"

Search CVE info by CVE id

  • cve_id (str) – ID of the cve to search for

  • request_data (JSON object) –

    Data sent with request with keys:


    Email of user sending the request


    Fields to return in search results. Valid fields:

    (“affected_configurations”, “assigner”, “description”, “identifier”, “impact”, “modified”, “problem_types”, “published”, “references”, “nvd_status”, “cisa”)


search_results – Results of search with keys:

(“affected_configurations”, “assigner”, “description”, “identifier”, “impact”, “modified”, “problem_types”, “published”, “references”, “nvd_status”, “cisa”)

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/cves Methods: "GET"

Search for CVEs with a product name and version


request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

Data sent with request with keys:


Email of user sending the request


CPE Product (package name) to get CVEs for


Version of package to get CVEs for


If True, an array of CVE ids will be returned


cves – An array of CVE ids is returned if “ids_only” is true. Otherwise, a dictionary with CVE information will be returned

Return type:


Folders module

/api/v1/folders Methods: "POST"

Create a new folder in the specified group or subgroup


request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str', 'str']) –

Data sent with request with keys:


Email of user sending the request


Token of the group or subgroup to create the folder in


Name of the folder to be created

"description", optional

Description of the folder

"folder_token", optional

Token of the parent folder to create the new folder in (if any)


folder_data – Folder information object with keys: “folder_token”, “folder_name”, “description”, “creation_date”, “group_token”

Return type:


/api/v1/folders Methods: "GET"

Get an array of folder information that can be filtered by group token

If no group token is given, all folders that the user has access to will be returned.


request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

Data sent with request with keys:


Email of user sending the request

"group_token", optional

Token of the group to get folders from

"folder_token", optional

Token of the folder to get folders from


folder_tokens – Array of folder information objects with keys: “folder_token”, “folder_name”, “folder_description”, “creation_date”, “group_token”

Return type:


Groups module

/api/v1/groups/<token>/members Methods: "POST"

Add a user to the group/subgroup

  • token (str) – Token of the group to which the user is to be added

  • request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

    Data sent with request with keys:


    Email of user sending the request


    Email address of the member to be added


    Role to assign to the new member


    If True, user will be allowed access to all the subgroups of the specified group


results – Returns JSON object containing:


Success Message on updating user’s role in the group

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/groups Methods: "POST"

API to create new group


request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

Data sent with request with keys:


Email of user sending the request


Name of new group

"description": str, optional

Group description

"group_token": str, optional

If provided, the newly created group will be a subgroup of this group


results – Returns JSON object containing:


Name of the new group


Group description


Group token

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/groups/<token> Methods: "DELETE"

Remove group/subgroup information about a group

  • token (str) – Group token

  • request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

    Data sent with request with keys:


    Email of user sending the request


results – Returns JSON object containing:


Success Message on group deletion

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/groups/<token> Methods: "GET"

Gets information about a group

  • token (str) – Group token

  • request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

    Data sent with request with keys:


    Email of user sending the request


    True to show subgroups


results – Returns JSON object containing:


Group name


Group description


Group token


Group type (Group or Subgroup)


Parent organization token


A string describing the location of the group in relation to its parent groups


An array of objects containing information about subgroups

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/groups/<token>/members Methods: "GET"

Gets info on the members of the group

  • token (str) – Group token

  • request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

    Data sent with request with keys:


    Email of user sending the request


results – Returns JSON object containing:

"group_name": str

Name of the Group

"description": str

Description of the group

"token": str

Group Token

"group_type": str

Type of the group

"group_members": array(object)

An array of objects containing group members info

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/groups Methods: "GET"

Lists all user groups


request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

Data sent with request with keys:


Email of user sending the request


results – Returns Array of JSON objects containing:


Group name


Group description


Group token


Group type (Group or Subgroup)


Parent organization token

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/groups/<token>/members/<member_email> Methods: "DELETE"

Removes a user from the group

  • token (str) – Token of the group from which the user is to be removed

  • member_email (str) – Email address of the user to be removed from the group


results – Returns JSON object containing:


Success Message on updating user’s role in the group

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/groups/<token>/members/<member_email> Methods: "PUT"

Updates the user’s role in the group

  • token (str) – Group token

  • member_email (str) – Email of the group member to be updated

  • request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

    Data sent with request with keys:


    Email of user sending the request

    "new_role": str

    New role to be assigend to the group user


results – Returns JSON object containing:


Success Message on updating user’s role in the group

Return type:

JSON object

Manifests module

/api/v1/manifests/<token> Methods: "DELETE"

Delete a manifest with a given token

  • token (str) – The token of the manifest to delete

  • request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

    Data sent with request with keys:


    Email of user sending the request


    ”true” to delete manifest along with jira issues


response – Results with keys:


True if successful, False otherwise


Message describing response

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/manifests/<token>/reports/latest Methods: "GET"

Get the latest CVE report results from a given manifest token

  • token (str) – The token of the manifest to get the latest scan results from

  • request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

    Data sent with request with keys:


    Email of user sending the request


    Optionally extend CVE data included in returned report with one of the following fields (parameter can be repeated):

    ”assigner”, “description”, “impact”, “modified”, “problem_types”, “published”, “references”, “nvd_status”, “cisa”


scan_results – Results of scan with keys:


Token of the manifest


Token of the group that the manifest belongs to


Token of the folder that the manifest is in


Array of objects containing information about CVEs found in the scan


Object containing counts with keys: fixed, kernel, toolchain, unapplied, unfixed, upgradable, whitelisted


Date of the scan


URL where the report can be viewed

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/manifests/<token> Methods: "GET"

Get information about a manifest with a given token


request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

Data sent with request with keys:


Email of the user sending the request


If true, a manifest file will be sent


  • manifest_info (array(object) or file)

  • Array of manifest information objects with keys – “manifest_token”, “manifest_name”, “folder_token”, “group_token”, “upload_date”, “manifest_data”

/api/v1/manifests Methods: "GET"

Get an array of manifests information from a group or folder.

Only either a group token or folder token should be given. If neither are given, all manifests that the user has access to will be returned.


request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

Data sent with request with keys:


Email of user sending the request

"group_token", optional

Token of the group to get manifests from

"folder_token", optional

Token of the folder to get manifests from


manifests – Array of group information objects with keys: “manifest_name”, “manifest_token”, “group_token”, “folder_token”, “upload_date”

Return type:


/api/v1/manifests/<token>/reports Methods: "GET"

Get an array of CVE Reports available for a given manifest

  • token (str) – The token of the manifest to list reports for

  • request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

    Query parameters sent with the request:


    Email of user sending the request


result – Object containing the manifest info and array of available reports


The name of the manifest for which these reports were requested


Token of the manifest for which these reports were requested


Token for the group that this manifest belongs to


Token for the folder that this manifest belongs to, if any


Date of upload for the manifest these reports are for


Array of report information objects, sorted by “created_date”, with keys:


Date this scan was performed


Token for this report


Token of the specific version of the manifest for which this report was genereated”


Version of the manifest for which this report was generated

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/manifests/<token>/reports Methods: "POST"

Rescan a manifest with a given token

  • token (str) – The token of the manifest to get the latest scan results from

  • request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

    Data sent with request with keys:


    Email of user sending the request


    True to apply all configured filters to scan results.

    False to apply only kernel and uboot config filters.

    Default: False


    Anything other than “false” or “f” to only rescan the manifest


    Optionally extend CVE data included in returned report with one of the following fields (parameter can be repeated):

    ”assigner”, “description”, “impact”, “moified”, “problem_types”, “published”, “references”, “nvd_status”, “cisa”


scan_results – Results of scan with keys:


Array of objects containing information about CVEs found in the scan


Object containing counts with keys: fixed, kernel, toolchain, unapplied, unfixed, upgradable, whitelisted


Date of the scan


Name of the group that the manifest belongs to


URL where the group can be viewed


URL where the report can be viewed

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/manifests/<sbom_token>/custom_scores Methods: "POST"

API to set custom cve scores

  • sbom_token (str) – SBOM Token

  • user (User) – User instance

  • request_data (JSON object) –

    Data sent with request with keys: "email"

    Email of user sending the request


    CVE ID


    Package name


    Package version (Optional)


    Custom Score to be set


message_info – Results of comparison with keys: "message"

Message informing the success or failure of the request

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/manifests Methods: "POST"

Upload manifest and return scan results


request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

post data with keys:


Manifest data to scan


Email of user sending the request


Kernel config data


Uboot config data


Name to give the new manifest


Token of the group the manifest should belong to


Token of the folder where the manifest should be stored


Name of subfolder for dynamic folder creation


True to apply all configured filters to scan results, False to apply only kernel and uboot config filters. Default: False


Optionally extend CVE data included in returned report with one of the following fields (parameter can be repeated):

”assigner”, “description”, “impact”, “modified”, “problem_types”, “published”, “references”


Comma separated string of ecosystems that should be used for generating reports


scan_results – Results of scan with keys:


Token of the manifest


Token of the group that the manifest belongs to


Token of the folder that the manifest is in


Array of dictionaries containing information about CVEs found in the scan


Dictionary containing counts with keys: fixed, kernel, toolchain, unapplied, unfixed, upgradable, whitelisted


Date of the scan


URL where the report can be viewed

Return type:

JSON object

Reports module

/api/v1/reports/compare Methods: "GET"

Compare two CVE reports with given tokens


request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

Data sent with request with keys:


Email of the user sending the request


Token for the first CVE report to compare


Token for the second CVE report to compare


True to apply all configured filters to both reports,

False to apply only kernel and uboot config filters.

Default: False


compare_results – Results of comparison with keys:


List of CVEs resolved between the reports


List new CVEs between the reports

Return type:

JSON object

/api/v1/reports/<token> Methods: "GET"

Get a CVE report with the given token

  • token (str) – The token of the CVE report to get

  • request_data (JSON object ['str', 'str']) –

    Query parameters sent with the request:


    Email of user sending the request


    What file format to return from the following:

    ”pdf”, “pdfsummary”, “xlsx”, “csv”, “cyclonedx-vex”, “cyclonedx-sbom-vex”


    True to apply all configured filters to scan results,

    False to apply only kernel and uboot config filters.

    Default: False


scan_results – CVE Report data as the requested file type

Return type:


Stats module

/api/v1/heartbeat Methods: "GET", "POST"

This function makes a simple GET request to the LinuxLink server to ensure that the server is available, and that HMAC authentication is working properly.



True if successful, False otherwise.

Return type:

JSON object ['str', 'bool']