Team Administration
Now that you have a LinuxLink subscription, you will want to start administering your team – adding people to your team, setting privileges, and assigning licenses and products to team members.
In LinuxLink, each user belongs to at least one team, and each team belongs to at least one account. Teams allow members to be grouped for a processor, and accounts allow teams to be grouped from an organizational perspective. Because subscriptions are granted to accounts, the account manager determines what seats a team can access.
Refer to LinuxLink Account Administration for more information on account management.
Standard Members
Standard members are LinuxLink users without Team Manager permissions. Standard members have full access to all of the features allowed by the team.
Team members that have been assigned use of a product such as the TimeStorm Tools as part of LinuxLink Pro may also create their own licenses. (Team Managers may also create licenses for these members.)
Team Managers
When TimeSys creates a LinuxLink account, it contains a single starting member, the Team Manager. Team Managers, unlike standard team members, can perform the following actions:
- View the team’s administration details
- Add new members to the team
- Remove members from the team
- Assign products to team members
- Create TimeStorm Tools node-locked licenses
A team in LinuxLink must have at least one Team Manager, but may have more; indeed, every member of team could be a Team Manager. A Team Manager, like a standard member, uses up one of the LinuxLink seats in the account.
Accessing the Team Management Page
A Team Manager can access the team management features by clicking on the team name:

The team page contains the following areas: