Linux Host Considerations for LinuxLink Classic

Please consider the following requirements for installing and using a Timesys LinuxLink Classic reference distribution on a Linux host.

System Requirements

The recommended system configuration for a Linux host is the following:

  • Intel Pentium or compatible processor
  • 64 MB RAM or more
  • 1.5 GB available disk space
  • Recent distribution of Linux installed
  • Python 2.2 or higher (required by the installation script)


    You can determine if Python is installed on your system by attempting to execute the python command on your Linux system. If Python is installed, it will display a version string. You can exit from Python by typing Ctrl-d. If Python is not installed, download an appropriate version of Python from the Python web site at:

You need root privileges to complete the installation.

Installed Components

By default, all reference distribution components are installed in the /opt directory, but the installation script gives you the opportunity to relocate most of these. Additionally, /etc/timesys and /etc/timesys.conf contain some configuration files that are used by TimeSys’ TimeStorm Tools, included with LinuxLink Pro.

It is advisable to delete existing components if you are re-installing or upgrading a reference distribution. TimeSys especially recommends this for toolchains, because new toolchains often have the same installation paths as old ones. Installing a new toolchain over an existing one can result in a mixture of old and new files which can impact the operation of the toolchain.

General Procedure

Use the following general procedure to configure a Linux host for embedded development:

  1. Install the reference distribution for your target board and, optionally, install TimeStorm.

  2. Configure and restart the following services:

  3. If needed, disable SELinux.

Refer to your reference distribution’s Getting Started guide to continue the configuration by connecting your host and target.