Accessing Your Private Repository

LinuxLink Classic uses version-control software powered by Subversion. Updates to files on the LinuxLink SVN server can be made using either a Subversion-specific client or a generic WebDAV client.

Checking Repository Access

You must have access to a repository on LinuxLink. Generally, if you have access to a LinuxLink account, you will also have access to a repository.

To check access, log into your LinuxLink account, and then select the Repository button. If you do not have an account, you can request one from TimeSys at

Installing SVN Access on Linux

Installation procedures vary between Linux operating systems. The following example shows how to install Subversion (SVN) on a Fedora Core host.

To install Subversion SVN on a Fedora Core host:

  1. Log in as root, and use the yum command to install the client:

    yum install subversion
  2. After you have installed svn, issue the log command to get a login prompt:
    svn log<team_name>

    You can only access the workspace for teams to which you belong. Each registered team has a private work area below, with the team name added.

    To get help, enter the help command:

    svn help | more

Working with the Repository

You can create directories, add files, and modify files in the repository.

For example, to create a directory named mydir and to check out all of the files in that directory, you would enter the following:

svn checkout<team_name>/mydir/

To add a file, use the add command. To submit changes, use the commit command. If check-in commits are not supplied, you will need to initially set SVN_EDITOR as follows:

export SVN_EDITOR=vim
cp ~/todo.txt .
svn add todo.txt
svn commit todo.txt

Any revisions that you make show up in the revision history.

To make changes to the todo.txt file in a directory named mydir, you would do the following:

 cd mydir
 <my_favorite_editor> todo.txt 

After you finishing editing the file, commit the changes as follows:

 svn commit todo.txt

Installing SVN Access on Windows

There are several clients that allow you to have SVN access on Windows. One of the easiest to use is NetDrive, which adds a directory to the SVN-accessed area in the LinuxLink Repository.

To install NetDrive SVN access on a Windows host:

  1. Do a search for “netdrive” on the Internet. NetDrive is included with Novell NetWare, but is not downloadable from the Novell site. However, any of the first hits on your search should have a link for downloading the NetDrive client, netdrive.exe.
  2. After you have downloaded the file, double-click on it to run the installer. Accept the license agreement and NetDrive will be installed. You will have to re-start your computer.
  3. Double-click on the installed netdrive.exe file, typically C:\Program Files\NetDrive\NetDrive.exe. Choose New Site.
  4. Give it a name, such as “LinuxLink NetDrive”, in the Site Name field.
  5. Enter the URL for the workspace in the Site Address field:<team_name>

    You can only access the workspace for teams to which you belong. Each registered team has a private work area located in with the team name added.

  6. Select WebDAV from the Server Type menu and select the drive letter that will be assigned to the workspace.
  7. Deselect Anonymous/Public Login.
  8. Enter your LinuxLink user name and password.
  9. You can leave the other fields set to their defaults, or change them according to your preferences.
  10. Click Connect. The new drive letter, with the name you entered, will appear in your Windows Explorer, and be opened in a window on your desktop. You can then copy files to your workspace with automatic checkin and checkout.

To get help, click on the Help button.